My Singing Career

Basset Origins

King Flashunkamen

My Singing Debut

How to BUY MY CD

Basset Rules 1

Basset Rules 2


'Ears To You Basset Hats

Favorite Links Page


My dad's a real good musician. I watch and listen to him all the time. But one day, I thought I could do just as good so I headed off into the studio..... Who woulda thunk, that was the day they came home early! Busted! Again!!

Here I am, caught with the "cans" on... well they can't expect me to record without hearing the music can they???

Actually, dad was pretty cool about it...eventually!
Once I promised NOT to gnaw on the microphone, and he learned that I REALLY like STEAK BITES if you want me to sing on que!

The steak tastes LOTS better anyway!
In fact, eventually I got him to give me bites of steak to sing in the right places!!! You youngun's out there... this is a really good thing to teach your pawrents. Get them to bribe you with stuff you like, to do stuff you would do anyway.

Oh, just for the record... Bassets don't do tricks ... they teach their pawrents tricks. Not like roll over or any such useless thing... useful tricks like "open the refrigerator" or "give me treats"...
mmmmmmm I sdjlkdf dfajj;kdl a dj ala; jdkslds
'scuse me, I don't usually talk with my mouth full... but it's really hard to resist a nice rare bite of prime beef! I REALLY like COW!
Eventually, we settled on doing some duet work. But dad did it for FREE!!! I held out for lots of "tidbits"!!!
A word about the "cans". They are uncomfortable.
I'm sure you know that one of the primary rules of being a BASSET is YOU MUST BE COMFORTABLE at all times. So, I'm thinking about changing careers.

Saw an ad in the paper the other day for a meat packer..... hmmmmmmm

I could do some serious meat packing! if they count stuffin your mouth!

Here's me with dad. He's proud of my new skills

"Remember Their Lives"
The whole reason I did the all the singin', was FOR THE BASSETS at Guardian Angel Basset Rescue (GABR).

This is our disc. Dad does most of the singing, I just throw in a few accents to make it sound better. There are 15 great songs. I know it's hard to believe, but there are classical, jazz, new age, folk, blues, and pop/rock selections. Definitely has something for everyone.
(Don't be surprized if your Basset friends go to the kitchen when you're listening...Mom was bribing me with steak and cheese to get me to "sing" in the right places!) Much of the disc is just beautiful music that I listen to when I'm in a peaceful mood, but there are some beautiful songs that dad wrote that commerate the Bassets who have made a difference in our lives, the rescuers, and the victims and families of the September 11, 2001 tragedy. It's a bargain at only .00 (shipping w/in the USA is included) thru paypal to FLASH@FLASHBASSET.IWARP.COM
click here for the magic link to PAYPAL's web site!

Pay me securely with your Visa or MasterCard through PayPal!


There are Basset Hound rescues in like every state. My friends @ the "Daily Drool" keep an updated list of links and emails. The goal is to find every Basset Hound a happy forever family to share life with.
click here for the ahroo link to the Daily Drool's rescue location site.

Give a Basset a home. Support GABR.